Generate your AIFMD Annex IV reports, Post-trade MiFID 2/EMIR transaction report, check your instrument against FIRDS data base and realize your Solvency fund look-through with ONE PLATFORM.
Developed and enhanced for more than 5 years, RegSquare platform enables the production of AIFMD Annex IV – EMIR -MIFID 2 –Solvency Look through reporting. Transactions reporting instruments are automatically checked against FIRDS database to minimise errors and improve the daily process.
With the latest regulations & directives (constantly on the edge of National Competent Authorities requirements: ESMA, OECD, SEC, AMF, FCA…)
Manual or Automatic data import
Automatic data check before the upload of the imported data
Monitoring of the imported data
Computation & Generation
Monitor the computation
Follow the generation of the reports
Access the results of the generated reports (automatic check: XSD checks and Data Errors)
Frequently Asked Questions
Supported operating systems
RegSquare platform requires the following supported operating systems:
Windows 7 or after.
Windows Server 2008 R2 or after. -
Supported platforms
Apps published for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) deployment are supported. It is recommended to deploy a 32-bit app unless the app:
Requires a larger virtual memory address space available to a 64-bit app.
Requires a larger IIS stack size.
Has a 64-bit native dependency. -
SQL Server database deployment
The platform is deployed using to the scripts provided by the RegSquare team. The data model is formed by the required tables for all the covered tax regulations.
Users Management
This module enables the administrator(s) of the platform to create users’ profiles and allocate their roles and passwords accordingly.
Data protection
The data is automatically retrieved from the client source systems and uploaded into the RegSquare platform. The users have access to the data according to their roles (see Users Management). This approach guarantees the data protection according to the client approach.
The costs are formed by the licence fee. The implementation phase will require consultancy services that are negotiated and agreed between RegSquare and the client. Usually, the consultancy fees are between 5 and 10 working days.
Ad-hoc features
Additional client’s features could be added to the platform. The costs of this offer are based on the additional required development to be agreed with the client.
RegSquare team can offer support to all clients. Each client has a dedicated person and direct access to all RegSquare Production team members.